Currently Non-Collectible

Currently Non-Collectible

Currently Not Collectible status is when it has been determine by the review of your financials that you have the inability to pay your IRS and/or state debt(s). Being currently not collectible status does not mean the debt goes away. It means that the IRS has determined you cannot afford to pay the debt at this time. Penalties and interest will continue to be added to the debt. This may be temporary solution until your financial condition improves or to release a levy to your wages.
While in this status you may be asked to provide financial information on, an annual basis to confirm that your finances still remains in this state. During this process, we will review all options to determine if this is the best option for you.
We can help place you on Currently Not Collectible Status. Call us.

Call 843-552-2454 to schedule a consultation from one of our experienced tax consultants